29 May 2009

things you need to know about me.

I'm not exactly what you would call the most observant person. I could never really be bothered with the people around me to be completely honest. why? it's not like I've spent my life being showered with adoration, praise and support... oh wait i was, i have fantastic parents, never mind that :)

Doesn't mean i had to pay attention. Truth is, I was one of those well loved, upper-middle class children that, for some reason unknown to medical science, never seemed to realise i was well off. Because of this strange, yet suprisingly frequent occurance, when i was in highschool i somehow managed to give myself quite a few massive complexes and.... seriously... when do they go away? I know they are stupid, i know it's all in my head (so to speak) and.... well you get the point. I just thought I would point this out right from the start as I tend to end up rambling on about things that dont have any relevance to.... well anything, and generally start to sound like little 15 year olds whinging about their boyfriends and how shit their lives are *boohoo!*

but in all honesty... i actually don't care about the things i talk about, and the things that matter... well I will never mention them.

so whilst from hence forth i may occationally list the things that break my heart and tear it out of my chest.... i say sorry for the things i say in the future than make me sound like... well an idiot really.

xoxo Willow