29 August 2009


Work is putting me to sleep a bit today, so I thinking I'm gonna write up an annoying post. lol.

I'm so bored, my face hurts. that's right... my face hurts...
actually, I'm fairly sure it's because I'm tired, but still... bored + tired = face pain.

at least I had a yummy baked spud for lunch... yumyum

see... I'm getting good at this pointless post thing now :p

xoxo Willow

18 August 2009


I'm SO angry right now. this is why..

i was at the service station today before work and, lucky for me, i decided to check my wallet BEFORE putting fuel in, for once, and it soon became apparent to me that it was not there. i had left it somewhere. assuming it was where i had stayed that night, i called up The Boy and asked him to have a look, not there. damn. together we figured out it must have been at K-Rads, because thats where i was the night before, when i last remember using it. anyway she's at work HOURS before me, and nobody would have been at her house, so i had to borrow money off The Boy, because he lives closest to the service station. *thank u again by the way, if you read this* anyway thats all well and good, it's my own stupid fault for being a forgetfull idiot, lol.

as i was doing all this, some ASSHOLE pulled up behind me, and started abusing me because i was in his way, and he was apparently born without even the pretence of good manners, patience and, in my personal opinion... must be from some sort of trailer-trash-esque background, because after yelling from the car for a good... thirsty seconds.. he drives forward, pretending as if to ram into the back of my car, to which of course, i dont take well at all, and proceed to run off a course of the rather largely offensive vocabulary i have aquired over my 22 1/2 years of army brat-turned-punk-rocker-kid *which i've obviously grown out of again* at him, which, to my suprise *and annoyance* was countered with the unimaginative 'cunt', 'idiot' and 'asshole'. i felt a bit cheated, because here was someone i could really lay into, verbally, and never have to deal with again(!), but no, he was the Leatherman, who couldnt thing of anything else.
this may have something to do with why he proceeded to spit on my car window as he drove past, when i finally got fed up and drove off again, because i had to go see The Boy and pick up the money he so sweetly leant me.

thank you goes to The Boy, for saving me YET again.
thank you aswell to the Leatherman... you look like a piece of leather that has not only been picked up and chewed by another piece of leather, but spat out and stomped on... and i wish i had the chance to see it when karma kicks you back in the face. you've successfully ruined my mood, made me half an hour late for work, and acted like a 5 year old throwing a tanty.

thats my life for you, all week i've been sick, and had an ear ache, and now... i get this.

thanks world. love you too.


xoxo Willow