19 June 2009

welcome to Rankcity,,, aka Perth

today i've come to the realisation that i live in a city full of rank.

rank people, rank clubs, rank streets, rank suburbs, rank towers, rank kitchens, rank houses, rank waters, rank criminals, rank smells, rank in general!

the rank is rampant (!) and it's making me very upset that i'm a part of it, which, as a regular visitor to places of ill-repute such as Black Betties... well... i just feel like i've done my part to aid the end of this fine (LOL) city of ours.
so... as of this very moment, i have promise... nay.. i PLEDGE TO THEE, dear reader, that i shall attempt to keep my rankbettys visits down to minimum... and shall avoid acting like a trashy whore if at all possible (doubtful, as it;s way to much fun)

so in effect.. this is just a little blog about how... well.. im gonna go to betties and be disgusting again... probly tonight.... probly tomorrow too... and then Wednesday night i get free enrty so...


xoxo Willow

12 June 2009

Boredom = Boredom

I've developed the strangest little habit lately, lol.
let me explain...

I get very bored, VERY easy.
...which leads to the most random things happening..

such as... my webcam basically getting used and abused like a Thai hooker.
I'm a cam-whore by definition.. but get me bored and i get inventive.

...or just crazy, not quite sure yet.

jurys out on that one, dont see it coming back with a good answer ;)
so yeah, i tend t go a bit nuts and end up just taking pictures of... well... myself.
generally it's in my back yard pretending that i'm some artsy little thing..

but to be fair... i'm just a dork with a camera on her laptop so HA!
my facebook page gets a bit of action that way... that and i tend to get tagged in random drunken photos... but that's not the point here...

my life is pretty much one big photoshoot right now...

bright eyes, big hair, pretty dresses, candy smiles, borrowed shoes, black liquid eyeliner with black shadow, mascara till next week, pouts and dimples, raise that eyebrow baby girl, lovers party hard, never enough fishnets, heels never high enough, legs never long enough, gossip girl lifestyles...

cam-whore wishes...

i'm supposed to be cleaning my house today, in preperation of my parents coming home..

but lets face it, i'm most likely going to end up outside in the sunshine taking pretty pictures so i can SHINE!

xoxo Willow

10 June 2009

worry me a little bit more, why dont you?

doctor! doctor!
i've been getting these odd headaches, like sharp stabbing pain behind my eyes, and it swaps sides occationally, and comes out of nowhere! never lasts very long, but half the time is leaves me feeling like i'm going to be sick.

wtf man!

maybe have a brain cancer and will drop dead any moment?!

oh well, i cant afford to go to the doctors :(

xoxo Willow

09 June 2009

Dreamed you up...

I had the oddest dream this morning, and it was so familiar too!
Either I've had it before... or it was in a movie lol.

Basically, me and three friends were floating around and found an
circular island, where we spent a night in the middle, relaxing,
generally being naughty (did I mention one of my friends was jensen
ackles? :p hehe) and having underwater relations. Anyway, it didn't get
a chance to get good and graphic because suddenly there was a massive
storm, so we got in our boat (which had somehow became a big pirate
ship) and got out of the circle island, but the storm kept trying to
push us back, and we got tossed overboard. We were trying to swim away,
and there was life boats crashing over us and stuff. Then it was
morning, the storm was over and we found ourselves on another
island/sandbar thing, and our boat was close enough to race to. Then,
another ship appeared.... REDCOATS (wtf) and we faught them with cannons
and tried to get away and then...

...I woke up.

K-rad was fumbling around her room getting ready for work and I was back
to reality.
The strange thing about it all, was that I wasn't really afraid of any
of it? Like, it didn't scare me at all to hbe honest.

Very odd...

Pity I didn't get graphic dreams with jensen ackles.... that would have
made my night ;)

xoxo Willow